Sunday, February 5, 2012

Part A - Description of Need or Opportunity

After completing 50+ parent teacher conferences recently, the need has never been clearer for more effective parent communication. This has been an ongoing process with trial and error, but I hope that the inclusion of more technology availability will help to allow parents to be more involved and more informed about their child's classes as well as their performance within that course. I have tried several methods to communicate, but not through technology. This is so important because so often parents are not involved because their student does not convey the message of homework or the material we are covering in class. As we get closer to the End of Grade test in NC, I need to have flawless communication to provide parents resources and additional information to aid their students' learning at home.

This will be an ongoing process for the duration of the school year on a weekly basis. I will utilize free technologies to provide this communication and will access parents as more of a resource than I have in the past. The costs will be nothing but time, and the only situation in which this will not benefit a parent is if they are unable to access the internet at any time. These resources will primarily be used by parents, but students will be shown how to access and use this information as well to help them take responsibility for their learning.

Parents will be able to access these resources and information at all times through my class website and contact me via email. Going further than that, I will have information on my website or sent via email that utilizes more technology to improve the parent - teacher relationship. Countless resources have been reviewed on the importance of communication with parents and the results it can have for students. Although, I must keep in consideration the demographics and time constraints of some parents who are not able to be with their students after school, but as a whole, I hope that student achievement and homework participation is able to increase. This will also build a greater sense of collaboration and community within my classroom.

Resources supporting the importance of parent - teacher communication:
Scholastic "Building Strong Relationships with Parents"
Reading Rockets
Edwards, P.A. "Tapping the Potential of Parents." Scholastic: New York, 2009.
From the parent's perspective Parent-ing
Using technology in communication

Resources to be considered for communication using technology:
(I am currently using Weebly and email)
Instant messaging system
Survey Monkey or Google Forms
Google Calendar

During this course: I plan to survey parents about technology and the best ways to communicate with them. My website will also offer resources and documents, such as homework, reading contracts, newletters, poll questions, question board, videos, etc. My website will be the main host for the technology that I will use to communicate with them. I will also be using e-mail to send notifications or information that will also be available online. This will require me to use new technologies, while utilizing email and website creation/editing.
First steps: survey parents and begin primary email contact to send digital copies of work and again inform them of our class website and the materials available there. Then provide tutorials for parents, information about the course, and poll questions to get to know them more. Make myself more accessible and available for communication using technology.

Continuing the project: After the end of the course, I will continue to adapt my resources and parent communication tools to best serve their needs. When talking to parents at conferences, they need more materials and resources to work on with their students besides homework. I hope to grow this communication into a successful way to digitalize their work creating portfolios and report their grades using technology. This will increase parents knowledge of our classroom.


  1. I love your idea Linnea! I completely feel the same way you do on parent involvement and being informed on student learning. I know that all students do not bring home the worksheets and quizzes I spend countless hours grading each day week. Using technology to communicate will hopefully help parents be more informed. I think a website is a great start for you. I created a website as well this year per a parent request. I am interested to hear if you are able to attempt student online portfolios. I would like to implement this, but I think it would be too time consuming. I am looking forward to what you come up. Thanks!

  2. I love your idea! Parent involvement is a very important key in student learning and is something that is lacking today. Especially with parents busy schedules and students after school commitments. I think it is a great idea to survey parents to see what technology they want you to use. Have you thought about what other technologies you want to include in the survey? Twitter might be something the parents use and check daily that would be good for reminders. I look forward to hearing how this works with your classroom! Although I do not have a class of my own right now, I will definitely be able to use the information to help me in the future.

  3. Great idea. I too have thought about how technology could help communication with the parents of my students. Every time we survey parents they always respond that communication is vital, but it is not always easy. I am very interested to see what successes and challenges you find within this field. I think communicating with technology can greatly aid in teaching, and I look forward to seeing what you are able to discover.

  4. Communication is key. You are tackling a problem that can certainly be addressed with technology.

    My only advice is: Baby steps and Keep it simple. Polling parents is a good idea to see how to best communicate, but don't bite off more than you can chew. Technology can certainly help you communicate better, but make sure that you are not making it more confusing for parents. As hard as you try, not all parents will utilize technologies...don't be discouraged. Technology is "another" way to communicate...not "the" way to communicate.

    Okay...enough preaching from me. I just know from experience that you can quickly get in over your head trying to successfully implement various technologies. Use technology to better communication...and make your life a little easier...not more busy.

    Just my thoughts. :) I love the idea, and I appreciate your desire to communicate most effectively with parents.
