Sunday, February 19, 2012

Part C - Wicked Project Implementation

As I strive to increase and improve the parent teacher communication in my classroom, I have utilized a variety of aspects to have a bigger presence of technology as an outlet for parent communication. In this, I have made better utilization of my class website and have seen the statistics of usage for this grow and grow as the weeks have passed. I also implemented a google forms survey to have parents give feedback on their student's homework and efforts in their classes.

I have been surprised at the immense support and resounding excitement I have gotten from parents about using my webpage to convey more information to them. Many have reassured me that having access to this information themselves, and not solely relying on their student has really helped. Also, I have been surprised at the few parents who have been resistant. I anticipated some parents not being able to access this information due to a lack of internet access, but some even with internet access have made mention that they would still prefer a note in the agenda to email communication. However, these parents also have tended to be those that are not as concerned about their parents performance either from a lack of interest or a lack of concern for their academics.

An unexpected bump has been the pushback from parents wanting more information and not being satisfied with what is given. They want access to all worksheets, additional materials, and their students' grades. This has caused me to look into more resources like scribd and engrade to be able to incorporate these for them. Other revisions include using a poll for parents to answer, just a one question survey to find out if features of the website are helpful to them at all. For example, I had posted a google calendar to my site and have not had any feedback about that at all.

Overall, this communication has been good, and can only improve as I am able to incorporate more resources and materials for my students parents. I have put websites up on there for students to practice skills, but have not found a way to track what links are clicked on most frequently. Also, more parents seem not to mention the use of these resources, but rather want direct worksheets for them to go through with their students.

Due to a lack of resources, I have not had the chance to tape any lessons or include tutorials on my website, but I do think that is one revision that I should definitely make. Many parents are often confused on material, or how to do something and would benefit from that resource.


  1. Interesting and predictable that parents push back on both ends of the spectrum. Don't you love it!?! ;)

    Screencasts could be a very beneficial addition to your website. I have found that even creating a series of short screencasts (between 30 and 60 seconds) can help parents and students to "see" something. It can be anything from "how" to utilize a component on your website to reiterating something worked on in class... The opportunities for this tool are endless...

    It sounds like you are learning a lot from this experience. Remember...some times less is more. Figure out what are the best components of your website, and build on them. Exploring other options is great, but you need to establish a foundation for your website (for viewers...and for yourself). There is ALWAYS more to add...

    Keep it up...and keep learning! I appreciate how student and parent-centered you are! Thank you for making a difference.

  2. Very interesting results. It was predictable that many of the parents are neglecting to use your website, as I had the same problem with my site last year. However, I found it very interesting that you are having issues from the other end of the spectrum as well. It really puts you in a tough position. In order to please the high-utilization parents it will take a lot of time and energy, but that won't help those that are neglecting to use the resource. It is an interesting problem. I do think that putting screencasts, even a screencast about how to use the site, would be very beneficial. Keep up the good work, it has been very interesting so far.

  3. Linnea,
    I would continue to promote your website to your students. I too have created a classroom website and I often show students the new educational websites I have added to help them with their learning. I have numerous students go on websites to play math games and practice spelling.
    As you noted, I feel parents are more used to newsletters coming home and worksheets used for student practice. Even so, I believe it is important to promote student achievement through technology. If you asked a group of kids, I would believe they would prefer playing a math game over completing a worksheet. Parents need to understand that learning has changed and we need to help them embrace this new type of education.

    1. I would love to have homework assignments be online games or activities! However, I sent home a survey earlier this year about internet access, and again on the parent survey, and a LARGE portion of my students don't have access to internet. I would then have to find time for them to use the computers in class for homework and that would take away from instructional time. I just wish that some parents were more supportive of technology! I've had some kids get so involved in a research topic that they are wanting to use their parents' phone to research, but then they are hesitant because of data charges :(

  4. Very interesting results, but yet I am not surprised. Parents are found on both ends of the spectrum, some not wanting to use the website and new communication and then those that want more. I really like the idea of using a poll to see what parents will use most because why waste your time with something that is not being used. It makes much more sense to be spending your time on resources that the majority will use and benefit from. I like your idea of using screencasts because I agree that many parents have trouble understanding things and this would be very helpful. Keep up the good work!
