Sunday, February 19, 2012

Part B - Story Board and Script

After our brainstorming session, we created a google presentation to split up the assignment and then added our individual script pieces to the google doc we initially created at the beginning for our group communication. Each of our group members have chosen a part of the prezi that they feel comfortable with and have had a chance to thoroughly explore. We then plan to record our script pieces separately and put it all together. We also hope to have a prezi that explains how prezis work. Hopefully by viewing a successful prezi, it will help them to have a better understanding of how a prezi works and what they look like.

Through our recording, the viewers will see how to change the various elements of a prezi and navigate through the process with our verbal guidance. We will incorporate sound effects in hopes to break up the talking and add to the presentation. These will include clapping at the end of sections, a horn to present the prezi, and wooshing sounds as we zoom in and out during the path. The visual aspect of the prezi will build as we go so that we are all building on one presentation. By the time I present, the background and text will have been added and the viewer will know how to move, rotate, scale, and zoom their prezi.

Our group decided to teach others about Prezi, a free cloud-based presentation application. Prezi is not like traditional PowerPoint or Google Presentation. What makes Prezi unique is that it uses a canvas. Information is placed on the canvas and grouped in frames. Information is zoomed in on to get a different perspective and look than traditional presentation applications. Framing on a Prezi will be discussed in more detail later in the presentation.

First, you need to sign up for this free presentation application. Once you sign up and get an account, you can create your own Prezi. To do so you first click New Prezi. You will now have to title your Prezi and you may write a description of your new presentation if you wish. Once you write your title and description click New Prezi. This will bring you to a template page. Choose the template that you wish to use. You can use a blank template or one that is already created. Now it is time to be creative! Click anywhere on the template to type information in. If you look to the left of your screen, you have a large circle with small circles surrounding it. The four categories are Insert, Frame, Path, and Colors. Click one of the smaller circles to get more specific functions related to that category. For instance, if you click Insert you can now insert a shapes, files, images, YouTube videos, and/or particular drawings.

Transition: Now that you learned the basics you are ready to move, rotate,scale, and zoom in on pictures and text.

2. How to move, rotate, scale, and zoom (Steve)

Movement of pictures and text in the Prezi program is a very intuitive action. Those of you who have used any touch screen devices will feel right at home. To move a picture or text box just click on the object you want moved and drag your mouse. The object will move with your cursor. When you reach the desired location for your object, let go of your cursor.

Now that you are able to move items let’s discuss how to change their appearance. First click on the picture that you desire to change. You will see a circular graphic pop up over the picture. This circular graphic contains the tools you will need to rotate, scale, and zoom your picture. First to rotate your picture click, and hold, on the border circumference of the circle. On the outside of the circle you will see an arrow indicating you now able to rotate the picture. To rotate the picture just drag your mouse the direction you would like to rotate the picture, release the mouse click and and your picture will be in its new rotational position.

To scale your picture, which will change what the viewer sees of your image, again click the picture bringing up the circular graphic. In the lower right corner of the circle is a pencil. If you click the pencil, a rectangular bracket will appear on your picture. To change the dimensions of the picture click and grab the corners of the brackets to the desire position. When you are satisfied with the dimensions of the picture let go of your click and the new looking picture will be saved.

The last editing tool we will discuss is the ability to zoom in and out on your pictures. Again, to begin, you will click on your picture. This will bring up the circular editing graphic. To zoom in on your picture click the plus button in the interior of the circle. To zoom in further on your picture continue to click the plus button until the picture is at your desired size. To zoom out on your picture, repeat the previous process using the minus button.

Now that you have learned how to edit your pictures and text boxes, you are ready to learn how to use frames and created paths in your presentations.

3. How to use frames and create a path


When putting words and pictures into your prezi, frames are an excellent way to group them according to a theme, topic, or purpose. To choose a frame, go to the guide and click the frame circle. (move mouse over the frame option while pausing in script). A frame can be a square, a bracket, or a circle frame. (hover mouse over each and insert each into the prezi) It does just that, “frames” your presentation. They can serve the purpose of framing, or to create an additional visual aspect. I would recommend either mixing up your frames or using the same shape for consistency. These then also make choosing your path much easier and add an element to choose as a stop on your path.

This is where your prezi really comes to life. The path is how your presentation will flow as you go from step to step. The most important part is to decide where you want emphasis and the importance to be during your presentation. (show the path option in guided) You can use the path to add emphasis as you zoom in and out. (zoom sound as you move in and out) The path decides how much is shown in each view which you click through, each click changes a step on the path. First, decide where your prezi will start, mostly likely at title and author or introduction. Using the path, you can show further out and zoom in to show more detail. For example, the first part of the path may be the whole view of the title and author, then zoom in on the second step of the path to just the author or a picture. (at this time, demonstrate labeling the path) Be creative! Using the path you can allow yourself more time transitioning by setting the path on arrows between, and you can also have the path continue to zoom in/out or rotate as you go to make it more visually stimulating. However, you have to be cautious that you do not get carried away, too many path turns may make your audience dizzy. You can set a step of the path on any object in your prezi, this may be a picture, a word, a frame, an arrow, etc. (show how to change the path or add a step) Then you can zoom in or out depending on emphasis. Be careful when you zoom out, that other pictures or words don’t come into the view and distract the audience.

Once you have set your path, you can always change it by dragging that number to another object. However, you can’t have more than one number per object; that’s how frames and separating text can help. Using the path view, shows each path step at the bottom of your screen. Make sure the flow makes sense. (preview the path) There’s no limit to how many steps you can have in your path. Your path is really what makes the prezi because no matter how great your text or images, if your audience is not following, then it does not help. After you finish, your audience will surely clap for you (insert clapping sound) and then ask you for the prezi link.

4. How to invite others to view (Amanda)

Once you have created your Prezi you are able to share it with others. First, you want to change the privacy settings. You can do this by clicking on my Prezi. Then, click on the arrow that says Allow Copy. Here you will have the option of making your Prezi public and allow copy, public, or private. If you choose public and allow copy, others will be able to save an editable copy of your Prezi. This is the easiest way to share templates, assets, animations, and sound effects you have used in your Prezi. The great thing about it is that your original Prezi will always remain untouched, only the copies are modified. The second option is to make your Prezi public. This allows your Prezi to be viewed by anyone who is searching for it. The last option is private, which can only be accessed by the owner, co-editors, and invited viewers.

To publish your Prezi all you have to do is go to and check the box marked Publish. On the Share tab, you can invite others to view or edit your Prezi. This is also where you can obtain an embed code to add the Prezi to your blog or website. So, to invite someone to view your Prezi click on Share and then the Viewing tab. Then, you can choose to share through email, facebook, or twitter. All you have to do is click on the icon you want at the bottom of the window. If you would like to allow someone to edit your Prezi, click on Share and then click on the Editing tab. Then again you can choose to share through email, facebook, or twitter using the icons at the bottom of the window. If you would like the embed code to share your Prezi on your blog, click on Share again, and at the bottom you should click on Embed. This will give you the code you need.

Another option you have once you have created your Prezi is to download it as a portable Prezi. A portable Prezi is an exported or downloaded version of your Prezi presentation. These can be viewed without Internet access and without a Prezi account. If you want to do this, you click on your Prezi and select Download from the options bar, choose to Export to Portable Prezi and click download. You will be prompted to click to download your file. You will receive a zip file. Save this and then upzip it and start Prezi.exe (PC) or the Prezi file (Mac) to load your portable Prezi. Now you can present without an Internet connection, burn your Prezi on a CD or DVD, and distribute your Prezi.

Our group members have each contributed independently to the working google document and presentation. For our final prezi, we will discuss together before recording separately, then piece it all together. Each member has a piece of the prezi to create and record. I have been responsible for using frames and creating a path. I have focused on the connection between frames and how they help the path in order to smooth the presentation and aid the transition between topics. I then made sure to connect to the topic before and after me.

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