Saturday, March 3, 2012

Professional Learning Plan

I feel that I came into this program very knowlegeable and interested in using technology in my classroom, but I think that during these courses, I have really grown in my comfort using it and my exposure to a variety of tools. As we learned new technologies, I really tried to integrate a new one weekly for my students. This course pushed me to think harder and really reflect on the effectiveness of using a specific technology. As I realized, it is not just using as many tools as you can, but really making sure that you are using them effectively. Throughout the MAET, I have integrated a large amount of what I have learned. This has been recognized by my administration, my students, their parents, and staff. As part of the teacher evaluation, technology has allowed me to take on a leadership role, presenting to staff and my principal has commended me on the utilization of technology in my classroom.

Despite my comfort, there is still a great deal of tools for me to explore and gain experience using. I have not only found the tools I use best, but also the ones I want to use, but need more practice. This has been a situation of "the more you know, the more you know you don't know." That really sums it up. I have been exposed to so many opportunities for similar purposes, it is finding what works best for you and exploring those. I have challenged myself to continue working on a weekly basis to use a new tool in some form between my ActivBoard, Ipad, flipcamera, and the internet/mobile labs. There is still so much I'd like to use. I have recently been shown the flip your classroom videos and concept, and have been greatly intrigued by that. My favorite lab was the data visualization, which exposed me to so many tools I hadn't used or heard of. It also confirmed that I have been on the right path with how many I have used and integrated into my classroom.

Jing is a tool that I really need to practice and experiment with to use in my classroom. I would say that Jing is the most challenging of the web 2.0 tools that I have used. It is difficult for me to ensure that my screens are perfect and that my narration is smooth. I created a Jing to show some of what I have done through this program and my emphasis on taking tools and learning we have done into my classroom. Again, this skill still needs work and my perfection is not where I'd like it to be (despite repeated efforts). My next steps with Jing are to record instructional references for students on specific skills we have learned, as well as brief tutorials for parents.

As a last tool for me to explore, I really wanted to work with Glogster. I have created a poster for all the web 2.0 tools I have used in this course, specifically in my classroom. Each bubble is linked to the site or my product using that tool. I fully plan to continue my exploration independently as well as through other MAET courses. I do not feel I have other staff or professionals to go to, but am eager to share what I have learned with them.


  1. Linnea,

    I loved your quote, “The more you know, the more you don’t know.” As you said, this is a great quote for technology. The more technologies we learn about, the more we have to research how to use them and how they can be effective for our students. There are endless technological resources out there, so it is important to find the ones that will benefit your students the most. I love all the resources I have learned from each of you this semester.

    The Glogster you created is a perfect way to visually display what you have learned in CEP 812. I have never heard of Timetoast and Wordle so I plan on checking these tools out soon! Also, it is wonderful to hear that you are sharing what you learn with your colleagues.

    It was great learning with you this semester! I am sure we will find ourselves in another class again over the course of MAET!

  2. I absolutely agree that the challenge is in finding tools and techniques that work with what you hope to accomplish as a teacher. I am very impressed with your Glogster displays, and it has inspired me to try to use them more with my own students. I also agree that Jing is a great tool, but that it can be tricky to get everything recorded professionally. I too am interested in flipping the class, I feel it could provide for some wonderful learning opportunities. It was great learning with you this class, and I look forward to doing so in the future.

  3. It is great to hear that you are emerging as a leader in your school, and that your principal is recognizing your initiative to integrate technology at a high level. Good for you! I'm glad that the MAET program has allowed you to become more comfortable and to explore new tools.

    In regards to Jing, once you get over "perfection" you will find the tool much more user-friendly. As a fellow perfectionist, I had the same struggles at first, but once I got over it, I was able to focus on the purpose of the help share information asynchronously with students, colleagues, and parents.

    The embedded Glog is only partially showing up (it is cut off horizontally); however, the link within the blog took me to the Glog. Well done. It is a nice visual, and a nice resource to show all that you have been able to explore in CEP 812.

    Keep up the great work! Thank you for your leadership and for making a difference in the lives of your students.

    1. Do you know how to resize the embedding? As a perfectionist, it is driving me crazy! I tried to scale it down before embedding, after embedding, and I tried changing my layout. I almost did not embed it because of that, but I thought the bright colors would entice the reader to click the link for the full effect.

    2. I decided to just take a screenshot of the image, then put the jpeg into my post. It is not as exciting or technical, but I guess it serves the purpose. However, then the links are not active.

  4. I really like the Glogster you created! This is a tool that I want to explore more and use in the classroom. I agree with your quote "the more you know, the more you know you don't know." There are so many things out there and you're right in saying that it is important to find what works best for your class. I enjoyed learning from you and working with you this semester. I am sure we will find ourselves in another course throughout the program!
