Sunday, November 20, 2011

UDL Checklist

In review of my lesson plan, I have been made aware of aspects that I did well and some that I could easily incorporate. There are many that I am now planning to utilize on a daily basis to increase the achievement of my students.

Providing Multiple Means of Representation:
When working on a blog, it provides visual information as students are able to click on a variety of tabs and depending on the blog format, it may be very visually stimulating and user friendly. However, the blog that I have set up for the students to publish their writing is bland, and not as visual. Using blogger can be more visual. It would be helpful for me to introduce the assignment by giving them a voicethread to listen to with screenshots to incorporate more audio and visual. AS for the comprehension aspect, their comprehension should be complete before the assignment is started. The students are asked to summarize the story they have just read. Students may benefit from having an interview or conference discussion with a peer to check their comprehension before they write the blog.

Muliple Means for Action and Expression:
This is the category where my lesson lacks the most. Blogging mostly an independent lesson, requiring the student to sit at a computer. The only physical action is typing. One way to utilize multiple media for communication is through using the blog. They are then able to comment and question their peers. They are able to communicate their ideas through a different format that they have not been used to in the past. To support their planning for this communication tool, I have the students writing a draft of their summary first. The students would also be aware that they need to question at least one other classmate and comment on another's blog. So they will create their own to put out there, and interact with 2 classmates about their blogs.

Provide Multiple Means for Engagement:
Students are choosing their book and topic for their summary. I would give them a rubric to help guide what should be included in their summary, but they have the freedom to take their post in another direction after requirements are met. In my current plan, I am not emphasizing the relevancey enough. This is a lack in my lesson, I should give the students more information as to why blogging is important or examples of other blogs. By viewing others, they would have a better understanding as to what should be discussed. Their distractions would be very minimal as all the students would working independently on their own laptops. My attempts to have students collaborate is through their questions and comments. I would like the students responsible for their own individual work, but the overall class collaboration is not as strong as it could be. Perhaps, the students could draft their blogs together or edit each others more before typing. That would allow them to get an even better view of how it should sound and important information to include in a summary.

Overall, I think this is a strong lesson that utilizes many UDL strategies that allow students to be successful. The audio/visual utilization could be stronger and I need to find a better way to collaborate in a community. I also lack in truly investing the students. I feel that they are excited about blogging, but not necessarily the quality of their blog post; it is just exciting to type on laptops and put something online. I will continue to plan and execute lessons with these ideas in mind.

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