Sunday, April 26, 2009

Google Maps

Google Maps in the classroom have many different uses. When funding is poor at schools, virtual field trips are the next best thing. Students can learns almost as much as actually visiting the place. By using videos, pictures, and informational websites these "virtual field trips" are very informational, and when coupled with in-class activities can be very useful.
I have created a virtual field trip for the state of Michigan. This map is geared toward 5th graders to learn more about their state and utilize various aspects of the web.

View R.O.A.D. T.R.I.P. in a larger map

Google Maps may also be used on a closer scale for students to make their own maps. They may create these and take their own photographs of places they have traveled or that they visit in their everyday lives (their home, school, store, place to hang out, soccer practice, etc.). I have also considered using Google Maps coupled with geocaching, a great way to teach students directions and coordinates. Similarly, you may have students give directions to a student, either to a place in the building or to a place in town. This will give them practice giving directions and understanding locations.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Great - Fun Websites

Last fall, I attended a technology conference at MSU. I listened to a session by a teacher from Forest Hills High School in Grand Rapids. Susan Roustan gave a lot of great technology sources that I would like to share with you. - gives you tutorials on basic online resources that make it easy to understand how to use them.

photostory - software by Microsoft. You can get this by a free download, but it runs on windows. Kids can save their projects as a jpeg and record their voice or add music.

screencast - this is a free version to show a process on a computer. Shows it step by step. The viewer can see your desktop, hear your voice, and you can add slide notes.

zamzar - this site converts files. You can buy an upgraded version, but otherwise it's free. Sometimes you have to wait for the file to convert, but it's worth it. This allows you to save youtube files to your computer.

delicious - you know how you can save your favorites on your server? Well this site allows you to save websites online, so that you are able to access them from any computer and add tags that make searching for them easy.

classtools - this website has templates and programs for teachers in the classroom. You can also create a game for your website based on curriculum.

flickr - this site is an online photo album. Similar sites include snapfish, kodak, and photobucket. These allow family or friends to log on and view your pictures. Some of these also come with free prints when you initiate an account.

web 2.0 - this site is like a database for websites. You can search on here by keyword or search by category for what kind of site you are looking for.

openthinking wiki - this navigator bar has some useful sites and information.

digital wish - at this site teachers can make wishes for their classroom or school district. Individuals can make donations or grant wishes if they'd like to thelp the school.

Jott - ever forget what you were thinking because you couldn't write it down? With this free source, you can make a phone call and your message will be turned into an email or text. You could also have your voicemails sent to email.

giveawayoftheday - with this site they offer free downloads on software, computer programs, and other technology features.

plagiarism - this is a great tutorial on plagiarism. Children can watch this video and gain a better understanding. You can search this site for other tutorials.

open source textbooks - need a textbook? This site from California offers access to textbooks.

So that's all I have for now. Please feel free to post any sites that you find interesting or helpful. Use the internet! There is so much out there right at your fingertips. Do not be afraid to explore and try new programs; just be smart about it!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Check the Calendar

This is a calendar that I will keep to inform parents and students of activities for the year. I will try to keep it as up to date as possible. Please use this to check when there is or is not school, as well as due dates, and field trips.

I encourage you to print it out by month and keep up to date with our activities and schedule.

Please view the instructions I have included to help you get started using Google Calendars.

Social Bookmarking

mmm D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.
Social bookmarking is the ability to save websites on an account on the internet. Most web browsers have the ability to mark favorites on your computer, but then how do you access those when you are somewhere else?
Sites such as Digg and Delicious allow you to not only save those locations, but help you to sort and organize them. Once you have hundreds of sites, you can search through them based on the "tags" you add to them. For example, I am looking for an activity for students to do in relation to a math assigment. I have marked a couple sites relating to math activities for kids to do.
This also helps me to organize sites that I found through several steps and may not be able to get back to. these sites are often databases for other sites or ideas.

Audio Recording

Using audacity I have created an educational sound clip as to how I would utilize audio in the classroom. The options are endless and I encourage you to experiment with ways in which this can be incorporated in everyday lessons.

RSS Feeding

In the classroom and field of education, it is increasingly important for teachers to be up to date on technology and techniques for teaching. However, the internet can be overwhelming, as can technology in general for an outdated teacher. You shouldn't worry, it is easy to get back into the swing of it all. RSS feeds make it very easy to manage various blog feeds from teachers and education professionals who are discovering technology with you. Using this tool, anyone can get all the updates on blogs in an easy to feed form that is not overwhelming. I have used google reader to get these feeds on system that I am already familiar with. This makes it easy and is a great place for me to check mail, browse the web, AND check my RSS feeds.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

More on Podcasting

In this post, I am addressing how I would use podcasting in the classroom. Technology incorporation is an important aspect in schools. People use it every day and cannot escape it. Especially for students, technology will play an increasingly large role in their lives.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


The word podcasting has been floating around for quite some time in the technological word of education. Teachers are beginning to realize the immense impact this tool can have, and art utilizing it to make their jobs a little easier and the students lives a little richer.

I have begun thinking about it's function in the classroom...
Not only is this beneficial for the teachers to share information with students without being there or via the internet, but the students can also complete unique projects and express their creativity while learning.

Listen to my AUDIO about how I would use podcasting in the classroom.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Get to know your Teacher...

Speaking of photos... I have created a little album that talks about me. This is a way for you to get to know me a little more.

Also, using the blog, I would like to share this resource for you to utilize. I have been working in This site allows you to create your own albums and work like you would be able to in Adobe Photoshop, but it is all online and totally free. Feel free to share sources like this that you may think other parents might like, or that may be applicable in the classroom. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Using Pictures

In my classroom I intend to use images from the web frequently. I will take the greatest care to make sure they are appropriate for kids, some pictures may be somewhat graphic, but if they are ever questionable I will post them here first for your views and comments. The only time I can imagine an image may be questionable is in regards to history or science.

I also intend to use images to illustrate places outside our field trip reaches. There are times where I may create a virtual field trip through photographs. Other photographs may be used to illustrate things that cannot be seen by the naked eye or are very hard to witness in a school setting.

Similarly, there are great resources on the web in regards to work sheets and activities. I fully intend to use already created documents for our students' learning. Already, I have asked the kids to do a search-and-find picture and write a story telling about what they think could be occuring.

Throughout the year, pictures will show up in our curriculum. Some may be my own, some may belong to fellow teachers in the building, and some may come from various sources on the world wide web.

Please let me know if you have any questions or pictures you would like to share with the class. This is your place to communicate with me about questions, concerns, or random tidbits; do not be afraid to utilize. Learning does not stop with a bell at the end of the school day, I encourage you to continue their education in the home!

I will upload some pictures from my own albums that relate to material in class. Feel free to view my photographs at Flickr.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Tool for Educating

I will attempt to use this blog in many ways to enrich my students' classroom experience...

1. UPDATES> Through this blog I plan to notify parents of weekly information within the class. I will provide a schedule of topics and activities that the parents can then discuss with their children. These updates will also be extended to field trips, holidays, and events in relationship to the school.

2. HOMEWORK> Students will have a section on the blog where they can find information covered in class, as well as homework and its due dates. Furthermore, I may link additional sources and references that relate to our topics.

3. READING> This aspect of the blog will relate to literature. I will provide information about the books we read in class, as well as attempting to keep up with new books for you to further your free reading.

Please also feel free to contact me or post additional information via this blog. This is our virtual classroom, where we can meet outside of class, make it your own!

I hope that these areas of interest will help you feel more comfortable with technology and more informed about our class as a whole. This is your classroom... Let me know what resources I can provide to help you learn! Enjoy!