Tuesday, June 26, 2012

CEP 800 Reflection

This course has really helped me to think about student learning, and what I need to do as a teacher to help as much as possible. It is not enough to use technology simply for the sake of using it, but rather we need to consider how it is helping the students and what benefits does it bring. In my lesson, I included technology to be able to reach a variety of learners in my classroom. I was still teaching, technology had not replaced me, but it aided my students in ways that I could not. Overall, the lesson was successful and my students really enjoyed the learning. Moving toward Common Core standards, students are required to write and distribute their writing. Technology allows for the best distribution imaginable. Please view my lesson reflection, and our class timetoast at the following links:

Lesson Plan Reflection

Timetoast African Americans throughout History

Sunday, June 17, 2012

CEP 800: Lesson Plan

 During Module 5, we reviewed a lot about technology and the effect it has on our teaching and on our students as learners. This week we were asked to create a lesson plan adhering to the TPACK model and really think about evaluating the technology we were planning to use.

My lesson for 4th Grade Readers on

Notable African Americans through History 

asks my students to read biographies, and identify facts and main ideas to summarize that individual. They are then expected to add an entry for that person on our class timeline at Timetoast. This entry should include the lifespan of the person, the summary of their life, and a picture if the student is able.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Digital Storytelling

When looking back on my first year of teaching, the most important story I wanted to tell was about traveling across the United States with my students. Without a great curriculum to use, I taught my 4th graders by linking readings within a state, and within a region. We read a novel to tie our travels in and put events into history. Through a variety of texts and internet resources, my students grew their understanding of the US.

Listen to our story through this video or go to Youtube